Divine Liturgy, Feb. 28

Sun., Feb. 28

On this Sunday we remember the parable of the Prodigal Son.  The focus of this parable is repentance, the idea of acknowledging our mistakes and making the effort to change our ways for the better.  Through this parable we also see how transformative God’s Grace is in the context of confession.  We all sin against God, we all make mistakes, we all hurt our family and friends at some point, BUT God still loves us, and even if we feel undeserving God always offers us forgiveness.  I pray this parable open our hearts to the transformative sacrament that is confession during this coming Lenten season.

The readings for this Sunday are:

Orthros Gospel: Luke 24:13-35 

Epistle Reading: I Corinthians 6:12-20 

Liturgy Gospel: Luke 15:11-32 

Divine Liturgy, Feb. 14


Sun., Feb. 14

This Sunday is the Sunday of the Canaanite women. On this Sunday we remember interaction between Christ and the Canaanite women. The Canaanite women sought after Jesus knowing he could heal her daughter. This account reminds us to be steadfast in our faith and to be prepared for the tests God gives us allowing for them to make our faith stronger. Jesus knew her faith before He met her and her example of humility has become for us a model to follow.

The readings for this Sunday are:

Orthros Gospel: Mark 16:9-20 

Epistle Reading: II Corinthians 6:16-18;7:1 

Liturgy Gospel: Matthew 15:21-28 

Divine Liturgy, Feb. 7


Sun., Feb. 7

This Sunday is the 16th Sunday of Matthew. On this Sunday we remember the parable of the talents.  This is a perfect gospel for us to reflect on this week as we consider our own God-given talents. Are we like the one who received the one talent? So afraid of failure that we don’t even try? This Gospel reading is a lesson to live by. God blesses us with the expectation that we invest in and cultivate the gifts He has given us,  not only monetary as in the gospel but also the spiritual gifts of purity, knowledge, kindness, genuine love, and truthful speech which St. Paul reminds us of in this week’s epistle.

The readings for this Sunday are:

Orthros Gospel: Mark 16:1-8 

Epistle Reading: II Corinthians 6:1-10 

Liturgy Gospel: Matthew 25:14-30 

Divine Liturgy, Jan. 31


Sun., Jan. 31

This Sunday is the 15th Sunday of Luke. On this Sunday we remember Zacchaios and his interaction with Christ. Zacchaios is explained to us in the gospel in couple different ways: “he was a tax collector” and "he was small of stature”.  Neither of these definitions begin to tell the story of who Zacchaios was to Christ, when Christ saw Zacchaios he saw a repentant sinner.  No matter how lost we might feel sometimes, we know Christ not only is seeking after us, but sees us for who we truly are.

The readings for this Sunday are:

Orthros Gospel: Matthew 28:16-20 

Epistle Reading: I Timothy 4:9-15 

Liturgy Gospel: Luke 19:1-10 

Divine Liturgy, Jan. 24


Sun., Jan. 24

This Sunday is the 14th Sunday of Luke. On this Sunday we remember the mercy shown to the blind man by Christ.  As we reflect on this passage it is important to note that once the blind man received God’s mercy in the form of his sight, he didn’t disappear or forget.  He then began following Christ, and glorify God.  So too we today cannot ignore our blessings, we must use them as an opportunity to follow Christ and glorify God.

The readings for this Sunday are:
Orthros Gospel: John 21:14-25 (ΕΛ)
Epistle Reading: I Timothy 1:15-17 (ΕΛ)
Liturgy Gospel: Luke 18:35-43 (ΕΛ)